Rieger Metallveredlung Blog – New trainee 2021 - Job description surface coater

vL Igor Rudel; Lilly Kopp; Silviu Negrutiu; Ceren Cin, Franz Rieger

New trainee 2021

Job description surface coater

(August 2021) At the beginning of the new apprenticeship year 2021, Silviu Negrutiu decided to become a surface coater. He has therefore chosen a promising occupation, because protecting metallic surfaces from corrosion or wear is environmental protection in practice.

Company boss Franz Rieger and operations manager Igor Rudel were able to warmly welcome him to the group of his apprenticeship colleagues, Lilly Kopp becomes a clerk for office management and Ceren Cin becomes a surface coater. Thus, the long tradition of training at Rieger Metallveredlung is being continued.