Rieger Metallveredlung Blog

Fire drill at Rieger Metallveredlung

06. November 2017

On October 14, a large fire brigade exercise of the community Steinheim took place at the Rieger Metallveredlung.

The annual large-scale exercise includes the entire team of the Steinheimer and sontheim fire brigades. In the best autumn weather with bright sunshine, the exercise took place in excellent conditions.

In order to create real events, the polishing room of Rieger Metallveredlung was completely covered with artificial fog, thus simulating the smoke of a fire. In addition, water from chemical canisters was spilled to simulate a chemical emergency.

Also, the Red Cross was suburb to ensure the care of the injured. Three young Red Kreuzlers were made up and positioned at various points in the company.

The rescue of all three injured was without problems and also the salvage of the chemical canisters was successfully carried out. The fire in the polishing room was also extinguished without any major obstacles.

The good weather and the announcement of the exercise in the community newsletter led to a lively interest in the population and so many onlookers were in the exercise. Also the mayor in his function as head of the volunteer fire brigade was present.

The final report of the head of operations is accordingly very positive and gives a good prognosis in the event of a fire at Rieger Metallveredlung.

Fire drill at Rieger Metallveredlung – Rieger Metallveredelung